The Let's Play Archive

Hand of Fate

by Anaxite

Part 6: King of Dust

Part 6 - King of Dust (YouTube)

This LP has changed my opinion of a few cards.

And then we come to Alicia in the Underworld.

Steam has an achievement for getting 12 'Failure' or 'Huge Failure' chance cards in a single session; Alicia in the Underworld is what got me that achievement. Nothing indicates the result of the shuffle is anything but random, but I've had many sessions where I've pissed away all my gold just by selecting the same card, hoping randomness would favor me. And then even if you do get the successful outcome, if you didn't bring an artifact with you, you can't progress. This has happened many times as well. In fact, I've only ever had one playthrough which unlocked this card.

I don't like it much, and at the time of the recording I was looking forward to being done with it.

The King of Dust

The King of Dust broke faith with king and country long ago, and has made himself rich and powerful through the judicious application of cruelty and terror, outside the law, for decades.

Kings are supposed to be bigger and badder than previous Court, but for being our first King, the King of Dust isn't too bad. His unblockable combo attack is a bit more dangerous than what we've been used to in how much ground it seems to cover, so don't stay too close. The third attack, with falling rocks, just requires you to be attentive to when it happens; the fact that the King doesn't move while dropping those rocks makes the attack less menacing than you might imagine. Use it against him and his cohorts if you can.